Posts tagged ‘day after’

October 8, 2010

One-Year Anniversary~!

Eddie and I had a Day After Shoot as part of our wedding photography package, which we never took because of our busy schedules. So, our Day After ended up becoming a one-year anniversary shoot instead (well, more like a one year and 6 months shoot)!!! 😛

Eddie and I met Mark and Candice at their home in Ladera Ranch where we finally got to meet baby Wyatt (soooo sweet) and see their new studio (sooooo cute)!

This is our third time getting our photos taken by Mark, so we felt pretty comfortable. It also helped that Christine and Erica joined us for the photo shoot to help me with outfit changes as well as providing a relaxed environment.

It took some tummy sucking to fit back into my wedding dress!

We took these photos in a field right behind Mark and Candice’s house!

Eddie is so cute! 🙂

Thanks to Christine and Erica for being my creative geniuses this day!!!

All the hairpieces (and Eddie’s matching boutonniere) made by our very own Christine {LOVEFORGRACE}

We ran out of lighting, so we took the rest of our shoot in Mark and Candice’s very own living room!

When Eddie and I got married, we decided not to get our TV set-up for at least one year…. this way, we wouldn’t always veg in front of the tube. 😛 Instead, we made a NY’s resolution to read at least one book a month. We brought along some of the books we’ve read and some of our all-time favorite books for the shoot! **For those that are wondering… we finally got cable TV installed about two months ago! Haha!

Thank you for the unconditional love, everlasting support and constant encouragement.

I love you, Eddie.

<3, Janet