Posts tagged ‘travel town’

July 2, 2012

Ohana means Family

As we share these next E-session photos taken by Jay of Chocolate Photography, I can’t help but grin from ear to ear!  Rick is one of my older cousins, and as kids growing up, I looked up to him with a sort of fearful awe.  We were separated by an invisible “age line” that divided the older cousins from the younger ones, and I didn’t make the cut-off.  He was, in my opinion, “too cool for school” and it wasn’t until much later after I graduated from college that I got to know him a little better.  That being said, I can’t help but giggle seeing my “cool” cousin look so lovey-dovey!

So along came Jennifer ~ kind, sweet, soft-spoken, and so thoughtful!  I wondered, “How did he get so lucky and meet such a nice girl?!”  And after being introduced to ALL the relatives, I thought we might scare her off with our loud personalities, but she stuck with us and now she’s part of the family!  Many blessings on your marriage ~ and no pressure, but I can’t wait to babysit your future little ones!

love, erica