Posts tagged ‘fashion’

October 19, 2010

Freedom and Fashion

Most of the time we’re unaware of the affect our actions and decisions have on others, much less, others who may be thousands of miles away.  As Americans, we become especially absorbed in the capitalistic, consumerist mentality of society.  We barely ever stop to think about how what we purchase and where we spend our money directly affects the people involved in the production of these goods.

The reason we bring this up: On November 6, 2010, Freedom and Fashion will be having its 2nd Annual Fair-Trade Fashion Show, in Irvine, CA.  Their mission:

“Freedom and Fashion is dedicated to educating society about the global social issues of modern-day slavery, sex trafficking, child labor, and human rights violations. FnF addresses these injustices through the purchasing power of conscious consumerism, by increasing the demand for socially responsible and ethically produced goods and ensuring they are readily available to consumers.”

“At the core of Freedom and Fashion’s values is God’s love. We believe in the call to action — to love the poor, the needy, and helpless, as exemplified in His word. At our events, we want to create an atmosphere that empowers guests to act, not out of hatred, but out of an understanding that power in the wrong hands can produce injustice. We want all attendees to become educated about their own purchasing power and how it can be used to make a statement beyond just fashion.”

Support this cause and purchase your tickets here! And read more about what they’re doing!  See you there!

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