Posts tagged ‘union station’

July 17, 2013

Perfect Balance

You’ve probably heard of birth order and how what position/number child you’re born as in your family has a strong affect on how your personality develops.  Some of you may disagree, and you’re entitled to your own opinions, but I believe much of what these studies shows is true.  Now why would I bring this up in a blog about weddings and happy couples?

Well, when we met Jina & Jesse, I couldn’t help but think how applicable certain characteristics were for each of them.  Jina, the youngest, seemed very fun-loving and lightened Jesse’s more serious, organized firstborn tendencies.  Add onto that the idea that couples with firstborn-youngest pairings seem to match well and balance each other out, and you’ve got Jina & Jesse!

Being native Angelenos, they chose to take their photos in two very iconic LA locations ~ Union Station and Santa Monica.  Now as you look through their engagement photos, taken by Eric Fung, doesn’t it seem like they’re in a (Korean) drama?!  So dramatic and romantic, just like Jesse :p

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